The Cannon Dispatch
The Cannon Dispatch
7. - Complexity, Gray Areas, Be Uncategorical

7. - Complexity, Gray Areas, Be Uncategorical

This is a solo episode. The idea of complexity and gray areas within ourselves and life has always been fascinating for me. Our world has much more moving parts today than any time in history and these complexities can create unnecessary stress and division in everything. We often try to fit everything in neat little boxes but find that we're trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. Better to understand that life is full of gray area and to prepare ourselves for it. There is no mention of bidets in this episode.

(I may have used the word "uncategorizable" which is in fact, not a word. Uncategorical is the word I was looking for. Yes, we still learnin'.)


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Instagram: @cannondispatch


The Cannon Dispatch
The Cannon Dispatch
The Cannon Dispatch is about exploring the things people do. An eclectic mix of topics ranging from music, society, creativity, leadership, and conversations with everyday people from around life and the world. Dispatches from the inside and out.