project-based learning: the non-shortcut shortcut
learn, do, suck, reflect, repeat, suck a bit less, etc.
Project-based learning is the most impactful-type of learning. This puts you right in the seat as someone who is doing the work/ craft.
I have too many interests (interpretation: I’m easily distracted and often undisciplined in my media consumption) and in almost all of the areas I read about, project-based learning applies. It is king supreme of all methods of learning.
Wanna learn drums? Your project is learning a song. You don’t need to learn rudiments or intricate theory before you pick up sticks. Pick a song you like that sounds simple enough (not Rush, or Meshuggah, or any album Elvin Jones plays on), listen to the drums. REALLY listen. Open YouTube, find a basic drum tutorial. Break down the drum parts by section. You can do it! Nothing complex. Learn, drum, suck, listen, reflect, learn drum, suck a tiny bit less, repeat.
Want to learn how to record a song but don’t know what an EQ is, or compression, or hell, even an input /output? Your project: Download a DAW1 (“digital audio workstation”), learn from YouTube (again!), imitate, iterate, iterate, iterate. Learn, record, suck, record, learn, suck a tiny bit less, record, suck some more, etc., etc. In the end you’ll have a song that never existed before and also you know a little bit more what an EQ, compression, and inputs/outputs are. Next song will be better, and your recording skills will be too.
Want to be a small sail boat captain? Your project is joining a local sailing team and being the deck hand. You’ll learn the basics (the ropes! ha! get it?), and start seeing how everything relates to one another on a boat. Learn, do, iterate, suck x a million. After mucho tiempo and muchas veces, you’ll be a damn fine sail boat captain (or at least not terrible).
Want to build an app using Python? If you Google that phrase, no less than hundreds, maybe thousands of websites and YouTube courses do just this. Teach you how to code by immersing you in projects. Sitting in a classroom and learning theory is a waste of time (not always, but in MANY ways). Learn, code, suck, iterate. You get it.
This can apply to almost anything. Probably everything actually. Today on a short walk I was trying to think of an area where this type of learning wouldn’t work. But my feeble brain short-circuited under the pressure. Couldn’t think of anything. Even philosophy and religion require the biggest project of all, life, in order to solidify their wisdom and tenets.
You can take control of what you want to learn if you discipline yourself, lean on your resourcefulness, and just do it.
Examples DAWs: Logic Pro (Apple), Studio One, Garageband (Apple), Cubase, FL Studio, Pro Tools, Ableton Live, Reason, etc.