See January’s post here.
All Caps Bold: MOVIES
All Caps: SHOWS
[Audiobooks, Podcasts]
*Comics/Graphic Novels*
All days: Daily Stoic, Daily Laws, 365 Tao, Daily Pressfield, Calendar of Wisdom
2-1: +Queens of the Stone Age- Lullabies to Paralyze+
2-3: +Madvillan- Madvillany Demos+
2-4: None
2-5: +Deftones - B sides and rarities+. Learning: Audio Interface- PADS and Phantom Power. Studio One: {Major and Minor Midi Harmonies}
2-6: {Here's How I'm Preparing for the Next Four Years by Ryan Holiday}.
2-7: Learning: Quantization. Also Major and Minor Scale formation.
2-8: None
2-9: None
2-10: {Let Brandon Cook} - Article about author Brandon Sanderson's prolific writing ecosystem, written by Cal Newport.
2-11: None
2-12: None
2-13: None
2-14: {How I left my 9-5 to be a full time musician} - by TesseracT drummer Jay Postones; GODZILLA MINUS ONE, {Dangerous Writing} by Chuck Palahniuk
2-15: (Jung's Map of the Soul - Murray Stein), GODZILLA MINUS ONE, {How To Thrive With Multiple Interests - Dan Koe}
2-17: (Jung's Map of the Soul), THE BEAR
2-18: (Jung's Map of the Soul), {Productivity Rain Dances}- Cal Newport; {The Case for Mastery and Mattering in a Chaotic World} - Brad Stulberg, {Monday Masterclass: The Paperback Writer Method}- Cal Newport, THE BEAR
2-19: (Jung's Map of the Soul)
2-20: (Jung's Map of the Soul), +Sun Ship- John Coltrane+
2-21: (Jung's Map of the Soul), *Spiderman 2099*
2-22: (Jung's Map of the Soul), *Spiderman 2099*
2-23: (Jung's Map of the Soul), *Spiderman 2099*
2-24: (Jung's Map of the Soul), +The Hunting Party- Linkin Park+, SEVERENCE
2-24:(Jung's Map of the Soul), *Spiderman 2099*
2-25: (Jung's Map of the Soul), SEVERANCE
2-25: (Jung's Map of the Soul), +Peter Brotzmann- Machine Gun+, SEVERANCE
2-27: +Heligoland-Massive Attack+, SEVERENCE
2-28: +Buyer Beware- The Men+, DOGMAN, SEVERENCE, (Jung's Map of the Soul)
This log isn’t measuring, it’s just recording. I felt like I squandered a lot of time consuming useless things and I wanted a way track it. It keeps me on track in a way, and I have found that since I have been doing this I have been more consistent at reading and giving whatever it is I am doing my full attention.
When we create we draw from the sources from which we are inspired. If you want to make good things, you have to consume good things. You will see the quality of what you produce increase when you increase the quality of what you allow into your mind.
Looking at it from a different angle: garbage in-garbage out.
Drumming and writing are important to me. A film, an article, or even a dish can inspire to create a musical idea, a concept, a scene. Everything can be mixed with and inspired by something else. And what is ultimately produced is a taste. Your taste. Self education is just as important as being inspired by a film or music.
I don’t really plan on writing comments about what I consumed, unless I feel like I need or want to for some reason. Below you’ll see a legend on the different types of media I have consumed. Some of the less obvious items will have links.
This is an experiment, so it may change and look different from month to month.
Inspired by Stolen from Soderberg's Blog.
This is an interesting log. I’m a huge fan of seeing the days of delving into music in an educational capacity. In a way this feels like a form of creative accounting. Not “accountability” but accounting. Keeping track of the muses footsteps and her daily pokes and jabs.