just one tic a day is all you need.
in 30 days that’ll be 30 tics. 30 tics seems like a lot when you have zero.
but one tic, that seems quite easy. and the day after that, do it again. that’s two tics. now you’re on your way. you can get into a groove doing one-a-day.
and what happens when you get to 30? you can just keep going, if you’d like.
here’s a question: what if you skip a day? does it ruin the whole thing?
here’s an answer, though maybe not a great one (like most answers in the real world): it depends. but also like most things you can just begin again.
but how much is a tic, anyway? what’s the value, the measurement?
it could be a page or two. it could be a hundred of something. a thousand. it could be 10 minutes or an hour. it could be one less. it could be one more. it could be space. weight. it could be words, color, sound. it could be walking, running. holding, lifting, letting go, observing, stopping, thinking, non-thinking. breathing the same air. it could be a choice. it could help.
one thing it most certainly is, is time. time is the real currency of life.
it’s up to you to decide the value a tic contains.
you don’t need to ask for advice or permission. you can come up with your own golden unit of measure. one that stretches skyward and brushes soft on the chin of divinity, grounding itself in the doing and not the saying.
rock n roll//,
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Email: cannondispatchpodcast@gmail.com